Archive for the ‘iPhone Apps’ Category

PhillyD, AnnoyingOrange, and stirfryTV App Updates Available

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Thanks to an awesomely fast response by Apple, the updates we mentioned yesterday for PhillyD, AnnoyingOrange, and stirFryTV are now available in the app store.

The actual versions are as follows:

PhillyD Official 2.2.2
Unofficial AnnoyingOrange 2.2.2
stirfryTV 1.2.2

NOTE: To determine if you have the latest version of any of our applications, you can simply view the “About” tab (on most apps, this is located on the “More” tab) – the version you have is listed in the lower right corner of the screen.

These updates resolve the issue that some were seeing on older devices running iPhone OS 3.x. If you are using iPhone OS 3.x, please download these as soon as possible to get you back up and enjoying the experience you have always enjoyed from our apps.

To download the update, please simply launch the app store on your device and the updates should appear. If they do not yet appear, please be patient – it takes up to 24 hours from the launch of an update for it to be available in all countries via the app store.

If you gave the previous update a negative review in the app store due to the playback bug, please take a couple of seconds to re-rate the application after the fix. We appreciate your patience and thank you in advance!

Issue with Latest update and iOS 3.x

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

A couple of people who still have not updated to iOS 4.x have reported to us that the latest updates for PhillyD Official, Unofficial AnnoyingOrange, and stirFryTV are not working correctly on their devices.

We are aware of the issue – and will include a fix for this in the updates we are submitting to Apple today (mentioned in yesterday’s blog post).

Unfortunately, iOS 4.x and iPhone OS 3.x are quite different from a developer’s perspective. Trying to support the latest and greatest iOS 4.0 features, while retaining compatibility with 3.x devices is a challenge sometimes.

Our apps have to have functionality that will work on one, but not on the other. Along with this functionality, we need to be aware of which version is running so that we don’t try to execute a routine designed for 4.x on a 3.x device.

We are usually very good about testing to ensure compatibility with older devices, unfortunately, in this scenario – we missed one case that will cause the app to crash on iPhone OS 3.x devices.

The updates will be available shortly – but in the meantime, consider upgrading to iOS 4.x if you are running a 3GS or 3rd generation iPod. Not only does iOS 4 run brilliantly on these devices – there are so many new features that it’s almost silly not to update.

Original iPhone and iPhone 3G users and users of the 1G and 2G iPods may want to hold off due to performance concerns – and this is understandable… but if you have any of the newer devices, you should consider updating.

App updates on the way again ;)

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

Shortly after the release of our last set of updates, several people using iPhones reported a bug to us that would cause video playback to stop when a SMS message was received.

Unlike the twitter outage we recently experienced, this particular bug was due to an update that we made to our framework. We responded quickly thanks to the users who reported the bug to us and submitted updates to all of our apps to Apple earlier this week.

At the time of this writing, these updated versions have been released to the app store for the PhillyD Official, Unofficial AnnoyingOrange, and stirfryTV apps.

The remainder of the apps updates should be available very soon (As quickly as they can be approved for the app store, they will be available to you) – if you are using an iPhone, keep your eye out for the latest updates to resolve this issue.

For iPad and iPod users, this update is not as critical because it only contains a fix for a bug that occurs when SMS are received during video playback. We do, however, always recommend that all users of our apps always stay up to date with the latest versions, so please install them once they are released regardless of the type of device you are using.

Twitter issue resolved…

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

After a couple of e-mails and a trouble ticket to Twitter, it appears they have resolved the issue that was causing the twitter views in all of our apps to appear blank.

We have also made changes to the code in our apps that should prevent blank twitter views in the event that Twitter suffers from the same issue in the future. These updates will be automatically included with the next update to all of our apps.

Thank you for your patience over the past few days. We really wish that it was possible to instantly update applications to prevent outages such as this, but unfortunately, all updates to our apps must go through the standard approval process for release to the App Store. We try to respond as quickly as possible, and we thank everyone who takes the time to let us know about issues inside of our apps using the “About” link inside every one of our apps.

Twitter Fix is on the way…

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

We found the reason for the twitter outage.  Unfortunately, twitter  decided to change the widgets that we use in our apps without sending a notice of change to widget users.

This usually does not happen – companies like twitter usually “version” their widgets so that any changes only affect newer versions of the widget.  Twitter does, indeed, version their widgets – but they’ve made a breaking change that requires us to change the way our apps work in order for the widgets to resume function.

Unfortunately, this change is beyond our control.  We have already coded an updated version of our framework, and will be submitting these updates to Apple tonight.  We hope that they will speed through the review process and be available to you sometime this coming week.

In the meantime, be sure to check back to the “Dev Blog” on the “More” tab in any of our apps or visit to stay up to date with this issue  We will post again when the updated versions are available.

Thanks for your patience, and thank you to those of you who took the time to contact us to report this issue.