Archive for the ‘CTFxC’ Category

PhillyD and CTFxC Updates Released

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

The first two apps to utilize our latest framework are now available in the app store.  Besides the new features mentioned in our previous post, there are several other changes worth noting:

PhillyD 2.7 Changes (Click here for app store):

  • The new SourceFed channel has been added into the app.
  • The “Store” page has been updated to
  • LTA and SPL are being phased out and are no longer part of the app.

CTFxC 2.7 Changes (Click here for app store):

  • New splash screen
  • Alli’s Twitter updated (from @AlliSpeed to @AlliTrippy)
  • Old Content Removed (Stache, Journal, DailyBooth, Flickr, Blippy)
  • New Content Added (Google+, Tumblr, Razzi)

To download any of these latest versions, simply use the links above, the icons on the right side of our homepage, or – if you already have the apps installed – simply visit the App Store and check for updates.


We The Kings Rocks Canton, OH

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Living in the midwest, it’s not too common that you get to meet up with any of the “big name” vloggers like Charles Trippy near your hometown.  Fortunately, for Ohioans like me, Charles was in Canton last night with We The Kings, and they put on an awesome show.

Even though we’ve worked together on the CTFxC app for almost 2 years now, this was the first time we got the chance to meet in person.  It’s easy to see why hundreds of thousands of people subscribe to his daily vlogs –  he’s probably one of the coolest guys you’d ever have the chance to meet.

Charles Trippy and Bob from GeekUtils

In addition, the entire crew of We The Kings are an amazing lot.  Their show was fantastic, their attitude is stellar – and if you get the chance, you should check them out.

You can find all of their music in iTunes by clicking here.

For tour dates, check out their website by clicking here.


CTFxC Wedding is Official :)

Monday, November 21st, 2011

Well, it’s official … the CTFxC wedding is complete and I’m sure for all who attended, it was amazing. Congrats to Charles and Alli – may they live a long, happy, and prosperous life together.

We have a couple of updates coming very soon for the CTFxC app. There are a couple of small bug fixes, but the best part is that the stache and journal will be up and running again from the app.

Stay tuned… the update will be submitted soon and should be available in the app store shortly!

P.S. thank you to all of you who tweeted with hash tag #CTFxCWedding after seeing our push notification earlier – we got the topic trending worldwide within 5 minutes of the push… that is truly awesome!!

For you CTFxC fanatics, here is a link to the engagement video for nostalgia 🙂

Important Updates for ALL Apps – please read!

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

We have released an important set of updates for all of the apps based on our “Vlogger” framework.

GeekUtils has moved to new server hardware – in order to continue to use our apps un-interrupted, please visit the app store and update to the latest versions ASAP. These latest versions were released last week, so if you have already updated – thank you – we hope you’re enjoying the app.

To find out what version(s) you are using, please load the app and take a look at the “About” page (found on the “More” tab inside the app). On the lower right corner of this screen you will find the version number.

The latest versions are as follows:

Please check the version of your applications using the method described above, and compare to the version in the list.  If the versions don’t match what’s shown in this list, please update as soon as possible by visiting the App Store or by clicking the links above.

This update is REQUIRED in order to continue using these applications once the old server is decommissioned.

Thanks, and enjoy!

CTFxC v2.6.1 is now available in the app store.

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

We just published an update to CTFxC (Internet Killed Television) that adds a cool new load screen, repairs the broken facebook links, and also includes several other small bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Most importantly, the app has been updated to utilize our new server – so it is recommended that EVERYONE update to this latest version.  Within a couple of weeks, the old server will be dismantled and anyone running the older version will be required to update to continue using the app.

To download this latest update, simply visit the app store or go to it automatically by clicking here.
