Archive for the ‘iPhone Apps’ Category

Mike Tompkins Official now Available

Monday, December 20th, 2010

We’re super excited to announce our latest partnership with Mike Tompkins.  If you didn’t see him on the today show or have not yet seen him yet on YouTube – check out the video below for a sample of Mike’s work:


Awesome, right? Now you can stay up to date with all of Mike’s content with our Mike Tompkins Official iPhone App. To download, click the link here or visit the “more apps” section of the “more” tab in any of our popular apps. We hope you all enjoy Mike’s content as much as we do!

iOS 4.2 update on iPad resolves playback issues.

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

If you remember a while back, we posted a blog entry where we described that YouTube video playback on an iPad (when running an iPhone/iPod app) was not working correctly.  Once playback started, the video was locked in portrait mode, and there was no way to exit the video once playback was finished.

As we described in this same blog entry, the iOS 4.2 update resolves this issue.  If you are using YouTube playback on the iPad, be sure to update your iPad to the new iOS 4.2 (available through iTunes).  Once your iPad is updated, videos will play back as expected.

TypeCam update on the way…

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

We have an update that we will be submitting to the app store this weekend for our latest popular app, called TypeCam.

We discovered that in some instances, when you type a message and then choose SMS or eMail as your destination, once you are finished sending the message, the keyboard does not reappear.

PLEASE NOTE – A quick workaround until the update is available in the store is to simply tap the settings button twice, which will reload the keyboard.

From what we can tell, this bug seems to be introduced by iOS 4.2. We thank those of you who took the time to report this to us, and we’ll have a fix ready for you shortly 🙂


Configuring Push Notifications

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Many people contact us and ask us how they can turn off badges for notifications (the little number on the app icon).  Some people want to leave badges on but disable the sounds or alerts when a push is received.

Configuring notification options like this is very easy, and it’s actually handled by way of the standard settings app that Apple provides on each and every iPhone, iPod, or iPad.

To configure push notifications, simply do the following:

Open Settings from the main screen, and select “Notifications”, as pictured below:

From this screen, choose the app for which you want to configure notification options:

Once you’re in the configure screen for the app you want, you can use the sliders to select which options you want enabled for push notifications for that app:

If Badges are on, when a push is received, you will see a number on the app icon indicating the number of videos that have been posted since the last time you opened the app.

If Sounds are on, the default alert sound will be played when a push is received.

If Alerts are on, when a push is received, an alert will be displayed (Similar to a SMS message) containing the name of the app, the name of the video, and the channel that the video was posted on.

Now you know how to configure push. Keep in mind, this is the standard way to configure push notifications – and will work with ANY app that supports push notifications. Some applications include additional menus with more detailed push notification options, however, this is the Apple approved standard way for users to interact with the push service.

YouTube outage affecting some apps…

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Currently, there is an outage with the YouTube data service that we use to retrieve video data for our apps.  In some apps, this is causing the video listings on some of the channels to show up blank, and the app will report that “YouTube is experiencing issues” when you try to refresh or retrieve the video listing (OlgaKay’s main channel, for example).

We are aware of the problem, and have reported it to YouTube.  This is NOT an error in our application – this is a YouTube outage.  As soon as YouTube resolves this issue, the applications will resume normal function.

Thanks for your patience, we’ll keep our fingers crossed that YouTube resolves this issue soon.

UPDATED 12/2/2010 6:00PM EST – YouTube has resolved this outage. Any affected apps should be functioning normally now.