Many people contact us and ask us how they can turn off badges for notifications (the little number on the app icon). Some people want to leave badges on but disable the sounds or alerts when a push is received.
Configuring notification options like this is very easy, and it’s actually handled by way of the standard settings app that Apple provides on each and every iPhone, iPod, or iPad.
To configure push notifications, simply do the following:
Open Settings from the main screen, and select “Notifications”, as pictured below:

From this screen, choose the app for which you want to configure notification options:

Once you’re in the configure screen for the app you want, you can use the sliders to select which options you want enabled for push notifications for that app:

If Badges are on, when a push is received, you will see a number on the app icon indicating the number of videos that have been posted since the last time you opened the app.
If Sounds are on, the default alert sound will be played when a push is received.
If Alerts are on, when a push is received, an alert will be displayed (Similar to a SMS message) containing the name of the app, the name of the video, and the channel that the video was posted on.
Now you know how to configure push. Keep in mind, this is the standard way to configure push notifications – and will work with ANY app that supports push notifications. Some applications include additional menus with more detailed push notification options, however, this is the Apple approved standard way for users to interact with the push service.