Archive for the ‘App Updates’ Category

Several App Updates Released!

Monday, June 21st, 2010

The updates for all of our vlogger apps have been approved by Apple.  Please check the app store for updates at your earliest convenience.  The latest updates significantly enhance the way the video descriptions are rendered on the phone.  With these latest updates, “links in the underbar” now appear correctly, and are clickable!  Now, not only can you watch content from your favorite vlogger, but you can even navigate all of their links right from inside our app(s).

Also, for users of the PhillyD Official app – the web viewer now includes a back button.  This way, when you navigate to a single image or other static content – you are not “stuck” without a way to go back!

Thanks again to everyone who has contacted us with suggestions on how to improve our apps.  We hope that you enjoy these new updates.

Back button for

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Many of you have contacted us asking why the PhillyD Official app does not have a back button on the view for Phil’s website.  Initially, most of Phil’s blog posts did not include the picture links that you are seeing in some of the most recent posts.

When there are no pictures, tapping the title bar does the same thing as a back button would, so we removed the back button from the design.  Unfortunately, this leaves you without a way to go back when you browse to a picture that takes you outside of the normal website framework.

We have an update coming this week that adds this much needed back button back into the app.  These updates will also include the links in the underbar that many of you have also asked us about.  We will be submitting the update to Apple this weekend – and as soon as it is approved (again, hopefully this week) – it will appear in your available updates in the app store.

Thanks again for sharing your comments, concerns, and suggestions – together we can continue to add features which make our apps even cooler!

Twitter and Links in the Underbar, Oh My!

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

We have been listening to the comments that you have been providing by way of the “About Tab” in our apps and we are excited that a couple of new updates are coming very soon.

  • Twitter integration – Just as our apps currently allow you to easily share content via facebook or eMail, twitter will be added to the list shortly.  This will allow you to share your favorite content directly to your twitter followers.  Additionally, we hope to streamline the app away from the current web-based twitter reader to a more native format.  This will allow you to tweet and reply to tweets directly from our apps
  • Links in the UnderBar – many of you have asked why the links in the underbar don’t appear to work like they do from  Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the API call that we are using to retrieve information directly from youtube and into our apps.  We have devised a way to actually get the full description, so links in the underbar will be working soon.

Of course, keep up to date with our twitter feed (@geekutils) to stay up to date with the latest updates to our apps.  You can also use the “More” tab in any of our apps to read this blog, view our other apps that are available, and contact us to provide feedback and feature suggestions.

Latest Updates now available

Friday, May 14th, 2010

The x.x.1 micro updates of all of our vlogger apps are now available. These updates address errors that could occur in previous versions when posting replies to comments on YouTube videos. To update, please visit the app store and check for updates.

Updates are available… more coming ;)

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

On Friday, May 7 – the updates we previously announced for our unofficial apps became available for download in the app store.  If you have downloaded our apps since May 7, you’re already up to date.  If you are a long-time user of our products – check the app store.  You can also look at the “About” tab in each app to check the versions.

Revision levels for these apps are now:

  • Unofficial iJustine v1.8
  • Unofficial ShayTards v1.2
  • Unofficial Shane Dawson TV v1.5
  • Unofficial AnnoyingOrange v1.3

We also have submitted a further update to each of our vlogger apps that should be available sometime soon.  This minor update fixes an issue that causes an error to occur only when you are posting a reply to a comment on a YouTube video.  YouTube changed the format of comment IDs, and our code required an update to comply to this new format.

Look for the “.1” updates later this week (for example, Unofficial iJustine will update from v1.8 to v1.8.1).  We are committed to providing all of our customers with the best error and crash free experience with all of our apps, and this update will help us further ensure we are meeting our goals and your expectations.

Thank you for using our apps!  And remember to check out our latest products using the “More Apps” tab in any of our apps!