Back button for

Many of you have contacted us asking why the PhillyD Official app does not have a back button on the view for Phil’s website.  Initially, most of Phil’s blog posts did not include the picture links that you are seeing in some of the most recent posts.

When there are no pictures, tapping the title bar does the same thing as a back button would, so we removed the back button from the design.  Unfortunately, this leaves you without a way to go back when you browse to a picture that takes you outside of the normal website framework.

We have an update coming this week that adds this much needed back button back into the app.  These updates will also include the links in the underbar that many of you have also asked us about.  We will be submitting the update to Apple this weekend – and as soon as it is approved (again, hopefully this week) – it will appear in your available updates in the app store.

Thanks again for sharing your comments, concerns, and suggestions – together we can continue to add features which make our apps even cooler!

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