Archive for the ‘iPhone Apps’ Category

Updates now available!

Monday, July 26th, 2010

So on the 22nd, we told you about an update that was coming soon that would:

  • Allow support for both iOS4 and iPhone OS 3.0.  Our previous updates removed support for iPhone OS 3.0 – but we’re happy to announce that it is back!  Those using iPhone OS 3.x will still enjoy the same functionality they always have.  Those who are using iOS4 can now utilize fast app switching, and those with the iPhone4 can now enjoy high resolution graphics!
  • A small bug fix to our video listing view
  • A new “Copy Link” function via the actions menu on blog entries, videos, channels, and store items that will copy a link to the current content to your clipboard so that you can easily tweet, SMS, or otherwise post a link to your favorite social networking site.

We just got notification of availability from Apple, so it may take a few hours before the update shows “available” and appears in your “Updates” section of the app store.

Also – the update for Unofficial iJustine that fixes display issues on the mobile blog view and includes the features above is now available as well.

We hope you are enjoying the updates.  If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions – please contact us via the About tab in any of our apps!

Twitter back up and running… ;)

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Twitter has resolved the outage that was causing issues with the twitter views inside each of our vlogger apps.  Everything should be back up and running now.

If you are running iOS4, you may need to press the “Home” button in the upper right corner of the twitter screen in order to reload the twitter page.

If you continue to have problems, or if you ever want to report a bug, feature suggestion, or just say hi – don’t forget that you can always use the “Contact” Button on the about tab in any of our apps to contact us.


Twitter view is not working?

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Hello everyone!  We just wanted to inform you that we are currently experiencing difficulty with the twitter view we use in our apps.  We have contacted twitter to report the issue and hope to have resolution soon.

Please check back for updates.  We’ll post them as soon as we hear something in a positive direction.

New Feature, Bug Fix, OS 3.x Support

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Just wanted to send a quick update to inform everyone of the latest status of the framework that drives all of our vlogger apps.

We submitted updates to ALL of our vlogger apps that includes:

  • Simultaneous Support for iPhone OS 3.x and iOS 4.x – When we originally launched our update a couple of days ago, many of you contacted us and were disappointed that you could not get the update because your device has not yet been updated to iOS4.  We assumed everyone would update their iPod or iPhone to iOS 4 because it’s a free update from Apple, but apparently this is not the case.  In order to make sure that we continue to support everyone we possibly can, we have updated our framework to work with both iPhone OS 3.x and iOS 4 while still retaining all of the new features for iOS 4.
  • We’ve added a “Copy Link” function on the Actions Menu for blog, channel, and store listings and on the Actions / Share Menu for video listings.  This handy feature automatically copies a link to the content you’re currently viewing to your clipboard so you can easily SMS it to a friend or post a link online.
  • This update will also fix the video listing bug that we reported about yesterday.

We thank everyone who took the time to contact us to provide their feedback, and hope you enjoy these new updates – which will be available in iTunes soon.

Small Bug in Video Listing View

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

A couple of you have reported that there is a small bug in video listing view of our vlogger apps for users with iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 devices. The scenario is as follows:

  • You are using the app on WiFi, and you suspend the app by pressing the home button.
  • You leave your WiFi coverage area so the device switches to cellular
  • You resume the app by pressing the app’s icon.
  • You click “Load More” at the bottom of the video listing view to load more videos
  • Nothing happens

We’ve identified the cause of this bug and are working on a fix right now. Please note that pressing the Actions Button, then pressing refresh will re-fetch the videos and resolve the issue. Once refreshed, the “Load More” button will continue to work fine until the scenario above happens again.

The root of the problem is that for performance reasons, we automatically fetch more videos when on WiFi than on Cellular (this has always been the case). During the suspend cycle, if the device switches to Cellular from WiFi, the app is not made aware of this until after the resume cycle has finished. This results in a “fetch” for the incorrect number of videos.

We apologize for the inconveniance and assure you that we’ll get an update ASAP to correct this issue. In the meantime, if you notice that your “Load More” button does not work correctly, simply refresh the listing using the Actions Button.

It’s important to note that the app will still automatically check for new videos when resuming after being suspended for 15 minutes or more. This bug does not affect listings for new videos – it only affects this one scenario when you are using the “Load More” button to view older content.

Of course, keep in mind that you can always check for the latest videos manually by using the Refresh button on the actions menu. Thank you for your patience. Be sure to check the Dev Blog view inside the app or follow us on twitter @GeekUtils for the latest news and updates.