Archive for the ‘iPhone Apps’ Category

StirFryTV app released!

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Our official app for the stirfryTV gang is now available in the app store.  These guys do a great job of discovering, interviewing, and showcasing YouTube talent.  If you’re the type of person who loves to find great new content on YouTube, this app is for you.

We’d like to thank stirfryTV for giving us the chance to build their official app, and we thank the fans who have already downloaded!

To download the app if you are already inside one of our other apps – simply go to the “More Apps” section of the “More” Tab.  If you are anywhere else – click here or visit to download.

What are we working on?

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Unfortunately, I’ve been completely inundated with requests and have been hard at work on some new features we hope to release to the masses very soon – I’m afraid I’ve neglected the blog a little.

Just wanted to provide a quick update on what I’m working on for our apps at the moment:

  • Push Notifications – I mentioned earlier in July that I was working on adding push support into our apps.  This is a parallel development effort to the standard release track of our apps (incremental feature additions, bug fixes, etc) – so it’s been taking a little longer than expected, but is definitely in the works.  Our goal is to hopefully have a APNS compliant push notification server of our own functional by the end of this month, with updates to all of our apps to come around the same time.
  • iTunes / YouTube links – It is our goal to provide a unified experience across a particular social media footprint.  We’ve noticed that many of our content partners commonly provide links to other YouTube channels and iTunes in their descriptions.  We are performing some updates so that when possible, these links do not load secondary experiences.  For YouTube, the channels will be loaded in our common framework.  For iTunes / App Store links, you’ll be taken to the app store.
  • Universal Binary (iPad Support).  Apple threw us a curveball with compatibility issues between iOS 4.0 and iPhone OS 3.2.  For some reason, when playing videos using the device’s built-in player on an iPad, the user remains “stuck” in portrait mode.  Additionally, they are left without a clean exit back to the video detail page.  We are working on a universal version of all of our apps to provide the experience people desire on the iPad.
  • More Apps – We’ve got a couple of exciting applications that will be added to our lineup shortly.  We continue to be humbled by the reaction from fans of our apps, and are indebted to the awesome content creators who have allowed us to build apps for their content.  We’ll have more to share as these apps are released to the app store.

This is the “short list” of things that I’m working on adding into our apps.  We hope that you enjoy everything we’ve released so far, you enjoy the updates, and continue to support our products.

For the latest updates, follow us on twitter (@geekutils) or on YouTube (

Two NEW Apps Released!

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Like we described in the video on our YouTube channel the other day, the reception of our apps has been amazing and we’ve gotten the chance to work with some really talented people who have taken a chance on us by allowing us to provide their official apps into the app store.

We’re very happy to announce two new apps, released today, that are available now in the app store.  The first is JoeNationTV Official, and the second one is KevJumba Official.  We’ve been amazed by the cinematic quality of Joe’s videos for quite some time, and we laugh out loud constantly to Kev’s videos and love his philanthropic spirit.

We’re honored to announce these two official additions to our app lineup.  To download, just do the following:

  • If you are already in one of our apps, just go to the “More” view, then pick “More Apps”, and then touch the app you want to download to automatically go to the app store.
  • If you are on our website, both apps have been added to “the grid” on the right side of our homepage at

Thanks Joe and Kevin and thank you to all of the loyal fans for downloading!  We hope you all enjoy the new additions!

Oh No! We posted a video ;)

Sunday, August 1st, 2010


While I’d like to think I am a pretty good programmer, I’m not very good at video editing.  I did, however, want to throw a quick video together to introduce people to our new YouTube channel, say thank you to everyone who is using our products, and give a little history of how my Vlogger app framework came to be.

If you are a faithful user of our apps, I encourage you to subscribe to our channel.  Much like we update this blog periodically with information regarding upcoming apps, new features, bug reports, etc – we also plan on doing this periodically through the YouTube channel as well.

Don’t worry, we won’t spam your YouTube sub list with countless videos – our intention is only to post new videos when we have something important or beneficial to say – so, please, give it a shot and subscribe to

You can go directly to the video by clicking here.


Test Link

Latest update and the iPad

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

A few of you have reported to us that our latest updates to our apps will only play videos in Portrait orientation on the iPad.  We have been able to duplicate the issue and are looking for resolution.

The YouTube player that we use to play the video is the one that is built-in to the device, so we have not changed any code here.  The only thing that we can assume is that there is some form of an incompatibility between our apps built for iOS 4.0 when running on the iPad’s iPhone OS 3.2.

We have run testing on many other devices of varying firmware versions and all devices work fine in portrait or landscape mode with the exception of the iPad.

We’ll keep you posted as we look into this to see if we can push out an update that resolves this issue.  In the meantime, if you are using an iPad, you may want to hold off on the update(s)