Archive for November, 2010

Twitter views are down…

Friday, November 5th, 2010

The twitter provided widgets that we use in all of our iPhone apps are currently down.  We are aware of this issue and are investigating to see if there is any kind of workaround.

At this point, we do not have an ETA for when they will be back up.  Unfortunately, the problem is originating from either an outage or a change to the widget mechanism on Twitter’s side.  We have contacted twitter support and will hopefully have an update for you soon.

Thank you for your patience.  Please check the developer blog view in any of our apps frequently for updates on resolution of this outage.

Upcoming iPad update fixes YouTube issues.

Monday, November 1st, 2010

We’ve updated our in-house iPad development devices to the iOS 4.2 beta that is distributed to developers prior to the public (for compatibility testing) and we’ve got some great news!

Many of you have reported to us that when running our apps on the iPad, videos only play in portrait mode, and once the video is done – you are unable to exit back to the app without crashing out to the home screen.

This bug was initially reported to us right after the 3.2.x updates to the iPad, and we were able to duplicate the issue.  Unfortunately, there was nothing that we could do about it.  The issue was native to the iPad’s YouTube player when running in iPhone mode.  Unfortunately, because it was a device issue, we were unable to make any corrective changes in our application to resolve this issue.

The great news is that this bug appears to be fixed in iOS 4.2!!!  Once Apple releases this latest new version (rumored to be sometime this month) – all you have to do is update to 4.2 in order to fix this longstanding issue.

We thank you for your patience, and appreciate that you iPad users have stuck with us while this bug was being worked out by the talented minds at Apple.