We The Kings Rocks Canton, OH

November 23rd, 2011

Living in the midwest, it’s not too common that you get to meet up with any of the “big name” vloggers like Charles Trippy near your hometown.  Fortunately, for Ohioans like me, Charles was in Canton last night with We The Kings, and they put on an awesome show.

Even though we’ve worked together on the CTFxC app for almost 2 years now, this was the first time we got the chance to meet in person.  It’s easy to see why hundreds of thousands of people subscribe to his daily vlogs –  he’s probably one of the coolest guys you’d ever have the chance to meet.

Charles Trippy and Bob from GeekUtils

In addition, the entire crew of We The Kings are an amazing lot.  Their show was fantastic, their attitude is stellar – and if you get the chance, you should check them out.

You can find all of their music in iTunes by clicking here.

For tour dates, check out their website by clicking here.


CTFxC Wedding is Official :)

November 21st, 2011

Well, it’s official … the CTFxC wedding is complete and I’m sure for all who attended, it was amazing. Congrats to Charles and Alli – may they live a long, happy, and prosperous life together.

We have a couple of updates coming very soon for the CTFxC app. There are a couple of small bug fixes, but the best part is that the stache and journal will be up and running again from the app.

Stay tuned… the update will be submitted soon and should be available in the app store shortly!

P.S. thank you to all of you who tweeted with hash tag #CTFxCWedding after seeing our push notification earlier – we got the topic trending worldwide within 5 minutes of the push… that is truly awesome!!

For you CTFxC fanatics, here is a link to the engagement video for nostalgia 🙂


We will miss you, Steve Jobs.

October 6th, 2011

I’m not one that is usually affected by the passing of a CEO.  As I sit here, tonight, however – typing this blog entry on my MacBook, looking at my bevy of iOS test devices, iPods, and other Apple hardware – it’s hard not to mourn the loss of such a visionary.

Whether you are an Apple fanboy or simply a lover of technology, there is no denying that Steve Jobs has had a profound effect on what we see as “technology” today.  Anything from complex computers that facilitate our livelihood, simple devices that keep us entertained with music, devices that plug into our TVs and play movies, or computer animated films we enjoy – Steve’s visionary leadership has played a role – Apple Product or not.

Tonight, more than ever, I understand that I am an example of this.  Even though the majority of my life prior to 2007 was spent developing products for the Microsoft world, I could easily argue that without Steve, I may not be on the career and life path that I am today.

If Steve hadn’t started Apple and hadn’t released the Apple IIe that my father purchased for me in grade school — I may have not had the *spark* that has led me to a life of computing.  If not for Steve’s passion to build technology that was easy for anyone to use – I might not have been able to get “hooked” at such a young age.  It was countless hours in Print Shop on that Apple IIe that led me to want to learn BASIC.  It was hundreds of hours spent on AppleLink (Later AOL) that led me to meet some great people online, from whom I would purchase my first MS-DOS based PC.  After that, it was tinkering with this MS-DOS based PC that led me to seek a major in Computer and Information Science, start working in a computer store, study programming theory, and become the developer I am today – doing the job I love.

Think about your history – what you’re doing today, maybe even what you “love”.  I’ll bet somewhere in there, Steve has played a role in your life too…  and you won’t have to dig far to find it.

It’s a sad day today, a day where I post this blog entry on a site for a company that I created, a company that only exists because of the products Steve conceptualized and developed….  a day where it’s impossible not to be affected by the loss of someone so important.

I can only express my emotion, sadness, and condolences to Steve’s friends and his Apple family with a notion adopted from his 2005 Stanford commencement speech….

“Thank you for connecting the dots.”

Rest in Peace, Steve.

PhillyD Official v2.6.4 Now Available!

September 27th, 2011

Hello Philip DeFranco fans!  The latest version of the PhillyD Official App (v2.6.4) is now available in the app store.  Aside from a few small bug fixes – this new version adds a way to navigate/view the playlists on the StuffPhilLikes channel.  To download this latest update, simply visit the app store or click here.

We hope you enjoy this latest update.  As always, if you run into any issues, have suggestions, or just want to say hi – please use the contact button on the about tab in the app (on the More page).

Push Notification Delays

September 10th, 2011

Several of you have reported that the push notifications on some of our popular apps appear to be delayed.  We’ve done some research, and we can see delays in push notification times so we wanted to explain what is happening.

In order to send you push notifications about “new videos”, our server has to be aware of them.  To do this, our server periodically checks YouTube to see if there are any new videos for the channels that we cover with our apps.  When a content creator posts a new video, it takes a variable period of time before that video begins appearing in YouTube’s data feeds – the feeds we use to get video information.

It appears that around August 30, the time between a content creator “publishing” a new video, and the time that it begins appearing in YouTube’s feeds has increased.  Unfortunately, since this is internal to the YouTube feeds – we cannot do anything about this ourselves.  We have reported the issue to our contacts at YouTube and hope that there is something that they can fix on their end to bring the Push Notification delays back down to the level that they were prior to August 30.

We’ll keep monitoring the delays, and hope that they get better soon.  We will post further updates as things progress.

As always, thank you for using our apps and thank you to those have reported this to us using the “Contact” feature in all of our apps!