Updates coming for iJustine and ShayTards

September 12th, 2010

Many of you have contacted us and have asked us to add the new iPhoneTards and facebook content streams to the Unofficial ShayTards app.  Similarly, many have asked us to add the ijustineforgot twitter stream to the unofficial iJustine app.

We just submitted updates to Apple that contain all three of these items.  They should be available in the app store in the coming days.

Keep the suggestions coming – we love hearing from the users of our apps!

On Vacation!

August 24th, 2010

If you are wondering why there have not been any updates, announcements, or posts the past several days… It’s because we are on vacation!

It doesn’t happen very often (unfortunately for us), but when it does, it really helps us to regroup, relax, and come back refreshed and with new ideas.

We are still responding to all email as soon as possible. If you send us mail using the “about” link on the “more” tab of any of our apps… we will respond as soon as possible.

Regular updates will resume once we return on August 30.

BlackBoxTV is here…

August 19th, 2010

From the talented mind of @metonyv, BlackBoxTV has arrived and is ready to “Turn on the Dark”.

BlackBoxTV is a brand new web series of studio production quality short movies that are guaranteed to make you smile, give you chills, and tell a story – simultaneously.  On a desktop computer, visit http://www.youtube.com/blackboxtv to check it out!

We’re extremely excited to be providing the official app for this exciting new content.  The BlackBoxTV app is available now in iTunes.  If you are already using one of our apps – simply visit the “More Apps” tab, located in the “More” section of the main tab bar to download.  If you are on a computer, simply browse to http://bit.ly/bbtvapp to download now!

We’d also like to thank TonyV for providing the opportunity to work with him to provide this convenient way to view his awesome content.

Why you need to set date and time correctly.

August 19th, 2010

We’ve gotten a couple of people who have e-mailed us over the past couple of months where they tell us that in any of our apps, none of the videos will play.

The solution for this problem is simple.  When the iPod touch, iPad (and iPhones on some carriers) go completely dead, they lose the date and time settings.   The YouTube authorization algorithm requires that the date and time are set properly, because the device receives authorization for a given timeframe to play a video.

If the date and time settings are wrong, when YouTube sends back an authorization timeframe, it will always be wrong versus your device, so the videos will not play.

You would also notice that when your date and time are incorrectly set, you cannot download from the app store.  For these reasons, it is always important to make sure to reset your time settings if you ever allow the iPod or iPhone to go completely dead.

Happy YouTubing!

Unplayable Videos???

August 14th, 2010

So – in our last couple of posts we have discussed problems where videos are not available for playback in our apps, or on mobile devices in general.  It seems that YouTube has something going on that is causing uploaded videos to default to “Disabled” for mobile syndication.

When a video is “disabled” for mobile – our app cannot play it.  Of course, neither can m.youtube.com, the android YouTube player, or the iPhone/iPod YouTube player.

Unfortunately, it seems that this is happening without the knowledge of the vloggers who are posting content.  Yesterday, we found that the latest video from PhillyD was disabled for mobile and Phil’s crew corrected the issue.

Other apps currently affected are the Unofficial Shane Dawson TV app as well as the Unofficial iJustine app.  We’ve attempted to contact iJustine and Shane via Twitter, but as you can imagine – our messages have gotten lost in the shuffle.

If you enjoy watching videos from your favorites on mobile devices, and you notice this happening – let them know!  We’re pretty sure that they are not even aware that YouTube is preventing their videos from playing back on mobile.