Peter Chao Official v1.1 available

The update we mentioned in our last post for the Peter Chao official app is now available in the store.  This update fixes some small bugs and, more importantly, adds Peter’s revitalized “PeterChaoTime” channel into the app.

The tab layout has changed slightly – but remember, you can always edit the tab arrangement in any of our apps to put the content you care about most front and center on the main tab bar.  To do this, simply visit the “More” tab, and press “Edit” in the upper right corner of the screen and drag the icons on to the tab bar.  When you’re done, press “Done” and your settings will be saved so that each time you load the app, the layout you specified will be used.

This update is recommended for anyone using the Peter Chao Official app.  To update to the latest version, simply launch the App Store on your device, and visit the “Updates” tab to download.   Remember that you can also check which version you are currently using by checking the Version number found on the About tab inside every one of our apps.


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