8.3 million push notifications served!

We’re very happy to announce that as of 11:00PM EST, our push notification server has happily served up over 8.3 million push notifications since it went live on 10/19/2010.

As we announced before, rather than relying on a third party push notification provider, we chose to build and maintain our own push notification server.  This helps us keep our costs to a minimum, and deliver as many push notifications as we like to everyone using our suite of applications.  Fortunately, this server has been running extremely well for us from launch day until now, and we look forward to serving up millions more.

Remember, push notification settings are totally configurable by you, the app user.  Apple provides a standard way for you to configure push notifications for ANY app on your phone that has enabled push.  Using the built-in settings, you can decide to individually enable or disable push notification text, notification sounds, and even the little badge (number) that appears on the app icon.  For a refresher course on how to do this – please check out our earlier blog entry on this subject by clicking here.

Thanks again for being faithful users of our products!



One Response to “8.3 million push notifications served!”

  1. Gary says:

    Great news Bob. I use your Gamer TV app all the time to help me with my research. Keep up the good work!

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