We’ve updated our popular Unofficial iJustine, Unofficial PhillyD, Unofficial AnnoyingOrange, and Unofficial ShaneDawson apps and have submitted those updates for release to the app store.
These exciting new updates use the latest version of our app framework, which adds support to watch, rate, and comment on viewer responses to any of the videos in the app. You can even subscribe to the channels of those who have posted responses that you like.
This new feature continues on the path of filling out our framework. This weekend, we are hoping to finish the final details of our Twitter integration so that you can actually respond to messages from your favorite blogger right through the app. Additionally, support will be added to all “Share” functionality to allow you to share your favorite videos, blog entries, and any other content directly via Twitter.
We hope that you are enjoying the apps and look forward to the continued growth of our product(s) and our fan base.