Fitline temporarily removed from the app store…

Hello fitline users!   Today someone has reported to us that fitline no longer appears to be correctly downloading fitbit data.   We were able to replicate the issue in our development environment, and we are working hard on fixing the problem.   The app will be available again soon, sorry for any inconvenience!

2 Responses to “Fitline temporarily removed from the app store…”

  1. Dave says:

    I noticed this issue a little while ago and was wondering when an update would be issued. In the interim I built my own webapp in php that gives me the data that I usually use fitline for but fitline is does it better (for the most part; a modern facelift would make this app even better). I’m looking forward to the update.

    In the meantime let me know if you need some help with your FitBit API queries. I learned a few things putting my webapp together.

    • geekutils says:

      Thanks for the compliment. We do have an update ready to go to the store and hope to submit this weekend. We also hope to have another update soon simply to add in the sleep data (many are requesting). As for the UI facelift – the next update does make the app work with the iPhone X, however, the look and feel is the same. Thanks for using the app!

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